Monday, June 4, 2012

Paul and me.  He is translating. He also lead music worship
Yesterday was Sunday even in this part of the world.  Normally we have the 112 youth group but we were invited to attend a church plant a few kilometers from here. God is amazing. He is able to seek out off the map places.  There is no sign pointing to the village.  I still don't know what the name of the village is other than is was the word "mina" in Romanian and "gold" in Turkish.  Evidently the communist party thought it a good idea to build a mining town.  Most of the town is block apartments with a few houses.  It looks like the only planned town in Romania.  A very driven godly man has a heart for this community and is trying to bring the light of Christ to the hearts of the people.  God Bless him.  Paul my friend from Babadag and I helped lead the service.  Andreea our other friend took the kids outside to play games.  Many other kids from the neighborhood came over to be apart of the group.  Adi lead music for the kids with the guitar.
A few of the 112 members.

I know God has not forgotten our county.  I think He is putting people in place to reap a harvest.  I have to believe that time is close or I would go crazy.  I believe we are moving in the right direction but we will need prayers and more people to continue to work in this part of Romania.  We feel incredibly blessed to be apart of what God is doing here. I hope that you do as well because it will take the Body of Christ to reach this area.

We had some Americans here surveying if they might fit here in Romania.  At the end of the trip they said they will start a journey toward long term missions in Romania.  We went to Brasov to see the mountains for a few days and put them on a train to head back to America. In the picture we are preparing to ascend 1,400 step to Dracula's Fortress.  We did not plan on it raining so we stopped at this restaurant and they provided us with trash bags or "ponchos".

 I hope you all enjoy thanks for reading. Let me know if you have questions.

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