Sunday, August 14, 2011

money for bread

Today Sheena and I fumigated our house.  I am pretty sure there are fleas among us.   I don't think Romania has seen a bug bomb yet but I used my Mcgruber skills and fashioned bombs with a can of raid, masking tape (I didn't want to open the new roll of duct tape), and glue stick.  Say tatada and you have a home made bug bomb.

Instead of sitting around an inhaling toxic gas we went to the park.  Unless the merry-go-round is supposed to be on its side and the swings are supposed to fall out underneath you 30% of the park equipment was good enough to play on.  I also imagine it was much like an American park in the fifties.  There is nothing safe about it.  Lots of fun for my two year old boy.

The park was a good time but soon it was time to find some ice cream for the day.  We went into one of the  seemingly 100 identical stores to find a tasty treat.  Three gypsy boys exited as we were entering.  For whatever reason we stick out and they must have figured we were Americans.  I don't know maybe it is the way we walk.  We selected and paid for our little slice of heaven and upon exiting we were greeted by the three gypsies.  We practiced the few phrases we know and I would say both parties had a delightful conversation.  We said good-bye and walked away.  Two of the boys caught up to us at the end of the block asking for bread money. They were also giving the international sign for hunger.  To me it looks more like slicing your gut open. Hold you hand open palm up and slice it across your stomach.  If you didn't know the hunger sign you would think they mean to slice gut open if you don't follow their request.   I knew what they were asking for but I played stupid.  I only played stupid because they must have thought that I was. I mean really I watched them devour an ice cream bar.  If you wanted bread that bad you should have bought it.  What was really fun is that he took 1 Leu from a wad of money in his fist to show me what he wanted.  I again played stupid and said good-bye.

I got to learn this language.  Thanks for the prayers let other know we are blogging.

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